A specialist manufacturer ofA glass-reinforced concrete forA building faAade panels willA quadruple its output and take on 30 new staff followingA a move to new premisesA at Four Ashes Industrial Estate in South Staffordshire.
Telling ArchitecturalA currently employA 60 people and this will increase to 90 within the next twoA years as production increases.A The company was established in 2002A and haveA grown steadilyA for manyA years.A Their move into the production ofA glass-reinforcedA concrete (GRP) in 2013A was a significant one. They sayA turnoverA double from AL2.8m in 2014A to AL5.7mA a year later.
MikeA Wood, director explained, aOnce we had expanded our range, ourA rate of growth was significant. RecognisingA that demand for GRC could growA rapidly, we put in place plans to double inA size again within the coming few years.
aHowever, our original unit on theA Four Ashes Industrial Estate would notA cope with this level of production and it became obvious a move would be necessary.A The Four Ashes Estate has a greatA deal to offer in terms of its proximity toA the motorway network and mainline railwayA stations and we really didnat want toA relocate anywhere more urban. We were,A therefore, delighted when we found outA that a 60,000 sq ft unit just 300 metresA away from our existing site had becomeA available.a
The freeholdA on the property was acquired by South StaffordshireA District Council During the early part of negotiationsA and an agreement wasA subsequently reached withA the manufacturerA securingA a six-month rent-free periodA offset against the extensive dilapidationA repairs undertaken at the facility.
Mr Wood added: aThe modern methodsA of manufacturing techniques we areA developing have gained significant interestA with London based clients, developersA and architects regularly visiting ourA production facilities by the fast train linkA between Euston and Stafford.
aWith an increasing emphasis uponA our unique brick-faced GRC panels weA are providing solutions for the skillsA shortage as well as meeting demands forA fast track, quality assured faAades to beA created offsite in our production facility.
aThe willingness of our landlord,A South Staffordshire Council to acquireA the empty 60,000 sq ft industrial unitA has created this opportunity for expansionA and the potential for the company toA triple its production as well as its workforceA over the next three years.