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Article taken from StokeonTrentLive reporting on Make it Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire's Stoke-on-Trent focused round table event hosted by Knights plc at their offices in Newcastle-uder-Lyme in conjunction with Isider Media.

Some of Stoke-on-Trent’s most successful regeneration projects are being used as examples by national organisations – to persuade others to invest in the city. The District Heat Network, Stoke Station and Hanley’s Smithfield development were among projects highlighted by business leaders during a round-table discussion.

More than a dozen influencers attended the event, hosted by Newcastle-based Knights Solicitors, to talk about the achievements in Stoke-on-Trent over the last four years and the opportunities ahead. Among them was Darren Horley, head of commercial at Virgin Trains, who is involved in a major investment project to upgrade Stoke Rail Station and its facilities.

He said: “We started to focus on Stoke Station about 14 months ago due to the nature of it, it’s age and the fact that 3.1 million passengers pass through it each year. We have started to bring the station back to its former glory. We have seen the opening of Titanic Brewery’s bod bar and we want to continue to develop it and bring the station back into the heart of the community.

“We want Stoke Station to become a destination with new platforms, offices and a retail offering.”

Darren, from Birmingham, added: “There is a lot going on in Stoke-on-Trent and people’s perceptions of the city are changing. I am constantly being asked what is happening in Stoke-on-Trent. We want to replicate what we’re doing in Stoke at other stations.”

Peter Anderberg, a representative of Nordic Heat, spoke about Stoke-on-Trent’s district heat network – a £52 million project which will provide sustainable heat from deep underground and have the potential to reduce the city’s carbon footprint by 12,500 tonnes a year.

He said: “We are very selective in the cities we operate in and Stoke-on-Trent is perfect for us. Very few cities have been able to deliver in the way in which Stoke-on-Trent has.

“This is a dynamic city and a lot of companies, particularly in our industry, are looking to invest here.”

Richard Ingram is a partner at Genr8 – the company behind Hanley’s Smithfield development.

Richard said there will be a large amount of progress on the scheme – including the Hilton Hotel – in the next year.

He added: “Years ago there wasn’t a grade A office facility or hotel offer in the city centre, but we saw opportunities in Stoke-on-Trent.

“For us this is about long-term regeneration. It will take a long time but we are committed to the city.”

Councillor Abi Brown, deputy leader of Stoke-on-Trent City Council, said: “The partners we are working with operate on a regional and national scale and it is great that they are all recognising what we are doing.

“People are asking about Stoke-on-Trent because they want to copy us, there is a lot of excitement about the city’s future.”