Businesses within Staffordshire may still be eligible for Local Government Discretionary Grants. If your business is located in Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford Borough, Lichfield or Cannock chase and you have not already claimed then please read on for further details of the schemes available in your area.

In order to be considered a business must:

  • Have been trading from the premises on 11 March 2020 (SOT, SBC, CC
  • Have significant fixed property costs (not exceeding £51,000 per year)
  • Not have a rateable value exceeding £51,000
  • Have suffered significant losses of income as a direct result of covid-19.
  • Be a small or micro company, satisfying at least 2 out of the following 3 criteria;
    • Employ less than 50 people
    • Have an annual turnover not exceeding £10.2m
    • Have balance sheet assets not exceeding £5.1m

In addition to the above the following information relates to each council and details of how to apply are below:

Stoke-on-Trent City Council – Closing 9 July at 4pm 2020

Stoke-on-Trent City Council is administering the government funding to directly support businesses in the city. Under the small business grant fund, businesses in the city could be eligible for a payment of £5,000 in line with the eligibility criteria.

Those that could benefit include small and micro businesses that have high ongoing fixed property costs, can demonstrate they have suffered a significant fall in income due to the Covid-19 crisis and those businesses which occupy property, or part of a property, with a rateable value, annual rent or mortgage payments below £51,000.

Please note:  Businesses which are eligible for cash grants from any central government COVID-related scheme are ineligible for funding from the Discretionary Grants Fund, apart from the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.  Such grant schemes include but are not limited to: 

  • Small Business Grant Fund 
  • Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant 
  • The Fisheries Response Fund 
  • Domestic Seafood Supply Scheme (DSSS). 
  • The Zoos Support Fund 
  • The Dairy Hardship Fund 

You are not eligible to apply for this grant if: 

  • You/ your business is based at home
  • You operate a mobile businesses
  • Your business is based mainly on online trade/sales
  • You are a private landlord renting out a property, including properties let out as a HMO

Full details and application form:

Stafford District Council – Closing 13 July 2020

This grant scheme suits any small business that is in shared space or has incurred property costs of their own during lockdown.  It is open to any sector now and awards will be determined from 13 July onwards according to the funding available at that time and will be assessed according to

  • The nature of the business, with priority being given to the manufacturing and engineering sectors 
  • The number of employees (headcount) 
  • The level of property costs
  • The level of income lost 

Where such business can demonstrate a significant loss of income due to covid-19, the council will pay a grant of £25k, £10k or up to £10k, including

  • Commercial Mortgage interest payments
  • Commercial Rent
  • Unavoidable property based service charges
  • Buildings and contents insurance in respect of commercial premises
  • Utility bills in respect of commercial premises.

Full details and application form:

Cannock Chase District Council – Closing 13 July 2020

Awards will be determined from 13 July onwards according to the funding available at that time and will be assessed according to

  • The nature of the business, with priority being given to the manufacturing and engineering sectors
  • The number of employees (headcount)
  • The level of property costs
  • The level of income lost

Full details and application form:

Lichfield District Council – Open until funding exhausted

Lichfield District Council will consider the following types of businesses for grants in line with national guidance;

  • Small businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces.
  • Regular market traders with fixed building costs, such as rent.
  • Bed & breakfasts that pay council tax instead of business rates (‘Airbnb’ businesses are excluded from applying for this grant).
  • Charity properties in receipt of charitable business rates relief which would otherwise have been eligible for small business rates relief or rural rate relief.

Businesses that are eligible for the grant will receive £5,000.

All complete applications will be dealt with in date order and the scheme ends when the funding has been exhausted.

Full details and application form: