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This week, we are seeing governments, businesses and world leaders join the  26th meeting - COP26 to review climate change and negotiate global action. Taking place from 1-12 November 2021 – the world is headed to Glasgow, hosted under the UK Presidency.

The key goals of COP26 is to phase out carbon emissions, and phase them out fast. But the issue for negotiations is getting countries to work together to halve global emissions by 2030.

But how are Staffordshire doing their bit to contribute towards this?

Staffordshire County Council declared a climate change emergency in 2019 and made a commitment to achieve net zero as an organisation by 2050.

In the first year since declaring a climate change emergency we have reduced our corporate carbon emissions by 25%.

What’s already been done?

  • Communities: 115 community groups have been supported to set up green initiatives
  • Green homes: £10.52m funding secured to install 1,445 heating measures into fuel poor households with 415 families helped already
  • Schools: Dedicated £3m to make schools more energy efficient as well as engaging with schools and pupils to reduce traffic around schools to improve air quality
  • Our portfolio: 47,500 streetlights replaced with LED bulbs as well as transferring all corporate buildings to green energy provider.

What support is there for businesses to be more sustainable?

Staffordshire Business & Environment Network (sben) is a membership that helps to enhance skills and knowledge through environmental training and counselling. It also provides practical advice on developing and implementing environmental policies as well as promoting examples of good environmental practice.

Staffordshire businesses can currently get a free membership to help them to make their business more energy efficient. A few ways you can get support:

  • If you are worried about the escalating cost of energy in financial as well as environmental terms, the Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme (LCBEP) continues to deliver advice and support to Staffordshire businesses with grants of over £730,000 provided so far.
  • The brand new sben Carbon Tracker online tool helps assist with tracking and implementing actions to reduce business carbon emissions.
  • The Environmental Sustainability GROWTHmapper tool is also available FREE to Staffordshire organisations who are members of sben. Assisted by the team of experienced and accredited coaches, it helps you to understand what is working well and where there are opportunities for environmental improvement and development in your business.
  • Book on to sustainable themed events to learn from others

We can all do our bit to Make Staffordshire Sustainable and reduce our impact on the environment.

Small changes can make a big difference, like changing how we travel, heat our homes, how we work, look after our surroundings, what we buy and how we dispose of our waste.  

Together we can Make Staffordshire Sustainable, whether you are a resident, a business or a community group, small things that you do can make a big difference.  

If we all do our bit we will breathe cleaner air, create greener communities and make Staffordshire a healthier place to live and work.