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Major transport projects are to receive £20 million after Staffordshire County Council successfully bid for funding.

The winning schemes will open up land for housing and business development, improve journey times on busy roads, put greener, cleaner buses on main roads and improve walking and cycling routes.

David Williams, Staffordshire County Council’s cabinet member for Highways and Transport, said he was delighted by news of the £19.836 million award from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

He said: “These projects will improve junctions, encourage investment, cut travel times, put green buses on busy roads and improve walking and cycling routes in different parts of Staffordshire.

“The common factor is that they link communities in key areas and make it easier, safer and greener to travel between home and work, particularly along some of the county’s most important roads.

“And as well making travel easier and improving air quality, these changes will also support regeneration and job creation.”

The successful bids are:

  • Circa £6 million at the A38/A5121 Branston Interchange, near Burton, to complete the work at junction and open up land thousands of homes and business development.
    Staffordshire County Council is adding additional money to walking and cycling schemes in the area for non-motorists to cross the A38 safely.
  • More than £9 million for work at either end of the A34 between Cannock and Stafford.
    In Cannock there will be walking and cycling routes to complement the planned town centre regeneration and link to the train station.
    In Stafford there will be the creation and maintenance of walking and cycling routes along from Radford Bank to the town centre.
  • Approximately £4.2 million to introduce either the latest generation Euro VI diesels, or electric-powered buses on certain busy routes, as well as improving bus stops and changing priority at junctions.

Bus routes benefiting from the new investment include the #8 and #9 services in Burton, run by Midland Classic; the #74 between Stafford and Cannock, run by Chaserider; and the #875 from Stafford to Cannock, via Penkridge, run by Select Buses.

David Williams added: “Staffordshire’s economy is underpinned by good transport links and this investment makes it better and easier for businesses and communities to get about.

“We know that people will walk and cycle if they feel it is safe to do so, or use public transport if it is modern, regular and reliable and these are all big steps in the right direction.”

The winning bid was one of several submitted in conjunction with Staffordshire’s district and borough councils.

Also welcomed tonight is news of a successful £17.1 million bid by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council to redevelop Leek town centre.